Our urge to watch as accidents and catastrophes unfold is the theme of this exhibition. Seducidos por el accidente (Seduced by the Accident) is a project that explores the climate of distress that the media generate by allowing the public to witness, in real time, disasters and violence happening in far away places; and the growing impassivity of the viewer when faced with devastating images and the feeling of uncertainty that pervades the day-to-day reality of global contemporary societies. The exhibition reflects on the concept of accident, taken as the medium and as the subject, reclaiming it or rejecting it, through the work of twenty-four international artists; a series of panels by Ignacio Ramonet, Benjamín González, Alberto Ruiz de Samaniego, Fernando Rodríguez de la Flor and Jean-François Chevrier, and a catalogue essay which will include an introduction written by Paul Virilio.
Artistas: Antoni Abad, Leonor Antunes, Artemio, Gabriele Basilico, Loris Cecchini, Arturo Fuentes, Mona Hatoum, Robert Longo, Cristina Lucas, Jorge Macchi, Euan Macdonald, Chelo Matesanz, Gordon Matta-Clark, Javier Núñez Gasco, Manuel Ocampo, Miguel Palma, Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Diego Santomé, Andreas Savva, Allan Sekula, Roman Signer, Joao Tabarra, Baltazar Torres and Pedro Tudela