Lorenzo Varela-Luis Seoane Galeguidade universal


To celebrate the anniversary of Luis Seoane’s birth and the fact that Galician Literature Day is being dedicated to his friend and colleague Lorenzo Varela, the Fundación Luis Seoane is hosting an exhibition about their friendship and working relationship, which started when Varela first arrived in Buenos Aires. The exhibition has three different blocks. The first block is dedicated to Lorenzo Varela’s work between 1932 and 1940, with copies of the newspapers Hora de España, Mono Azul, Romance, and several portraits that Seoane painted of people like Rafael Dieste, Ánxel Fole, Fernández Mazas, etc. The second section is a display of Luis Seoane’s work from those same years, with portraits of people from that period and publications such as Yunque or Resol. Lastly, the third block displays the pieces that Seoane created for and about Lorenzo Varela, including oil paintings, prints and drawings; and the books and magazines that they worked on together, like De mar a mar, Correo Literario, Cabalgata and Torres de Amor.

Artists: Luis Seoane