Between Word and Image

Curators Fátima Lambert, Cecilia Pereira, Paulo Reis

Entre la palabra y la imagen (Between Word and Image) has been produced by the Fundación Luis Seoane. It is an analysis of the experiences of different artists from Spain, Portugal and Brazil regarding the connection between image and words, from the seventies up until the present, through a set of pieces that use poetry, personal journaling, linguistics and social criticism as the chosen forms of expression of nearly forty artists from different generations. The project has been curated by art critic, curator and teacher Fátima Lambert (Porto, 1960); arts manager Cecilia Pereira (Ourense, 1964); and curator Paulo Reis (Rio de Janeiro, 1960). They each were responsible for the Portuguese, Spanish, and Brazilian selection respectively. The exhibition covers a range of art movements, from constructivism, to the the new objectivity and the return of automatism currently taking place. It will be on display at the Fundación Luis Seoane for the next two months and will later travel to Portugal and Brazil.

current Exhibitions